Decriminalize Feeding Stray and Feral Cats

Everyday across the United States, individuals are fined or threatened with jail time for providing food to stray and feral cats.

At first thought, it might seem like a good idea to implement ordinances to penalize those who feed stray/feral cats in hopes to combat pet homelessness; however, such laws only heighten the problem rather than help.  In reality, this puts individuals, who are willing to take care of and give homes to stray/feral cats, under fire; when they are simply trying to help the animals. After all, it is not necessarily their fault the cats are homeless; they are just trying to be upstanding citizens, by taking it upon themselves to help the animals.

Instead of blaming the feeders and criminalizing their actions, we should encourage their acts of compassion by assisting them with the resources and information available to care for and sterilize the animals. Not to mention, feed cats are healthier cats.

Please urge the National Animal Control Association (NACA) to request that animal control agencies stop ordering individuals NOT to feed stray/feral cats. Promoting starvation DOES NOT comply with the NACA's vision statement to be a "respected world leader in the field of animal protection and care."   
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