Stand with Medicaid: Stop Cuts, Caps or Conversion of Medicaid

  • av: American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
  • mottagare: President Obama, Vice President Biden, Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Reid,

    Congress is considering budget proposals that would severely cut and/or restructure Medicaid.  This program is a lifeline for 8 million children and adults with disabilities, critical for their health and liberty.

    Medicaid provides access to wheelchairs and prosthetic devices for people with spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy and other disabilities.  Medicaid pays for prescription drugs for persons with mental illnesses, epilepsy and other medical conditions.  Medicaid enables people with intellectual disabilities to live and work in the community by providing skill-building and support programs, and through Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis & Treatment programs Medicaid helps identify children%u2019s disabilities early and gets them the care they need.

    Cuts to this vital program will only shift costs to states and transfer the burden onto people with disabilities, children and their families.

    Tell Congress not to cut, cap or convert Medicaid. This issue is about more than numbers, graphs and budget lines.  It is about real people%u2019s lives!

We, the undersigned, stand with Medicaid, which is a lifeline for 8 million children and adults with disabilities. 

Medicaid provides access to wheelchairs and prosthetic devices for people with spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy and other disabilities.  Medicaid pays for prescription drugs for persons with mental illnesses, epilepsy and other medical conditions.  Medicaid enables people with intellectual disabilities to live and work in the community by providing skill-building and support programs, and through Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis & Treatment programs, Medicaid helps identify children%u2019s disabilities early to get them the care they need.

Cuts to this vital program will only shift costs to states and transfer the burden onto people with disabilities, children and their families.

We, the undersigned voters, urge you not to cut, cap or convert Medicaid.  We stand as a reminder that this issue is about more than numbers, graphs and budget lines; it is about real people%u2019s lives! Thank you for your time.

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