• av: Romina Sahafi
  • mottagare: Ian Read, Chairman & CEO of Pfizer. NAERIC

PMU mares are used to get their pregnant mare urine, PMU, using a cruel method that we must put a stop to so horses do not suffer needlessly.

This PMU contains a variant hormone called Premarin, which is said to alleviate the symptoms of menopause in women. The way these companies get the urine from these mares is cruel. They dehydrate the mare to make the urine more concentrated for the company's benefit. These mares are kept in small lines that are 3 1/2 feet wide, 8 feet long, and 5 feet tall. This width is way too small for a big and pregnant mare. The mares are not allowed to move. They are kept in these "lines" for 160-180 days, dehydrated and not allowed to move. Once the mares are ready to give birth, they move them out to a pasture to complete the birthing process. They keep the foal with the mother until the foal is four months old, youngest weaning age. 

Life for these foals are horrible too. Colts, or male foals, are sold at an auction or the most likely outcome, sold to a slaughter house. Fillies, or female foals, have to become a PMU mare. At the age of 2, these young females are bred and start the PMU process. Ages three to four are the best age to breed a mare, but these companies don't care. 

There are other products that DO NOT use PMU and work just as well. Premarin can also cause cancer of the uterus. 

If you need to take medication for menopause, please ask your doctor to give you one that does not use Pregnant Horse Urine (PMU) or Premarin. 

These mares cannot even lie down comfortably, which is horrible for a horse. The bag strapped onto the horse to collect its urine scrapes their legs and causes sores. Once the mare can no longer reproduce quickly, they are sent to the slaughterhouse.

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Tell Pfizer to end the inhumane PMU industry.

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