• av: Barbara Garakian
  • mottagare: President Barak Obama/ Governor Brown/ Congressmen Berman

In the United States there is no government run organizations that provide oversight or regulations of the various animal  shelter on a national basis. Many individual states do regulate shelters within their jurisdiction, but not on a national level.. This petition must be signed to, build more "NO KILL" shelters, and  regularly check on conditions of the shelters, cruelty, abuse, cleanliness, appoint more money to hire responsible people to run the shelters and place the animals humanely.. Current 64% of all incoming animals left at a government run shelter are euthanized. We need to Lobby in Washington D.C. and pass a law for this...   THIS MUST & Will ....CHANGE.........but only if you vote....we need 1,000 or more votes... PLEASE DO IT FOR THE ANIMALS.... "We humans seem to make a mess of everything we touch....yet, there is a small glimmer of hope, that 1 day, we will change and realize this is not our world, but the animals who really live in it.."

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