Petition to Recall Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MINN)

  • av: Joe Goedereis
  • mottagare: The Citizens and the Governor of Minnesota
This is a petition to the citizens of Minnesota and Governor Tim Pawlenty to hold a recall election to remove Rep. Michelle Bachmann from the United States House of Representatives for her unprofessional, hateful, and treasonous remarks towards President Barack Obama, his administration, and for inciting violence against anyone who doesn't believe in her right wing agenda.

Ms. Bachman has a long history of making disparaging remarks about the President even before he was elected.  Here are some examples of her statements along with video clips:

In October of 2008, during the Presidential election, Bachmann appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews and questioned then presidential candidate Barack Obama's patriotism, and even called for an investigation into the patriotism of Democratic members of Congress.  Here's a clip of her astonishing remarks.  If a Democrat had made similar comments against President George W. Bush he or she would have been accused of being unpatriotic or a traitor and would have been run out of town, but when Michelle Bachmann makes these types of comments no one holds her accountable for her actions.

Recently on Saturday, March 21, 2009 Rep. Bachmann called for an armed rebellion in opposition to the President's Cap-And-Trade plans, again using language that seems to incite violence:

"I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back. Thomas Jefferson told us, 'Having a revolution every now and then is a good thing,' and the people, we the people, are going to have to fight back hard if we'e not going to lose our country. And I think this has the potential of changing the dynamic of freedom forever in the United States."

See the following video clip for more on this comment.

This woman is a religious fanatic, a hate monger, and has the intelligence of my pinky toe.  Now she is calling for ARMED REVOLUTION against our President who was ELECTED by the PEOPLE of the United States.  At the very LEAST she is acting beneath the standards of conduct expected from a member of the House of Representatives and should be censured for her actions.  At the very WORST she is committing an unpatriotic and maybe even a treasonous act by calling for a violent uprising and should be removed from office. Either way she has to go and the citizens of Minnesota should be embarrased they elected her.

Please sign this petition to request a recall election to remove Rep. Michelle Bachmann and show members of Congress their actions have consequences.
We the undersigned request the citizens of Minnesota and Governor Tim Pawlenty to hold a recall election to remove Rep. Michelle Bachmann from the United States House of Representatives for her unprofessional, hateful, and treasonous remarks towards President Barack Obama, his administration, and for inciting violence against anyone who doesn't believe in her right wing agenda.

Ms. Bachman has a long history of making disparaging remarks about the President even before he was elected.  Here are some examples of her statements along with video clips:

In October of 2008, during the Presidential election, Bachmann appeared onHardball with Chris Matthews and questioned then presidential candidate Barack Obama's patriotism, and even called for an investigation into thepatriotism of Democratic members of Congress.  Here's a clip of her astonishing remarks.  If a Democrat had made similar comments against President George W. Bush he or she would have been accused of being unpatriotic or a traitor and would have been run out of town, but when Michelle Bachmann makes these types of comments no one holds her accountable for her actions.

Recently on Saturday, March 21, 2009 Rep. Bachmann called for an armed rebellion in opposition to the President's Cap-And-Trade plans, again using language that seems to incite violence:

"I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back. Thomas Jefferson told us, 'Having a revolution every now and then is a good thing,' and the people, we the people, are going to have to fight back hard if we'e not going to lose our country. And I think this has the potential of changing the dynamic of freedom forever in the United States."

See the following video clip for more on this comment.

This woman is a religious fanatic, a hate monger, and her sanity could seriously be questioned.  Now she is calling for ARMED REVOLUTION against our President who was ELECTED by the PEOPLE of the United States.  At the very LEAST she is acting beneath the standards of conduct expected from a member of the House of Representatives and should be censured for her actions.  At the very WORST she is committing an unpatriotic and maybe even a treasonous act by calling for a violent uprising and should be removed from office. Either way she has to go and the citizens of Minnesota should be embarrased they elected her.
We demand a special election to recall Michelle Bachmann from her elected seat as she does not represent the views of the majority of the people in Minnesota.
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