Protect Half Moon Bay’s Coastal Trail and Blufftops

Update: On Nov 13th, consultants presented 3 draft plans which include proposals to rezone virtually every piece of undeveloped land in Half Moon Bay and add mansions and commercial development right next to the coastal trail. A recording of this meeting and public response can be seen here. ~ Friends of the Coastal Trail.

Original Petition

Half Moon Bay has some of the most breathtaking, accessible open space anywhere in California. Along our coastal trails we enjoy seeing raptors, whales, blue herons, egrets and other wildlife as well as views of the Pacific as far as the eye can see.

Yet, our outdoor recreational treasures are at risk.

 The Pilarcitos Bridge could be out of commission for at least 6 more months. Other public infrastructure and bridges that allows public access suffer from neglect and erosion.

Most importantly, as part of the General Plan update, the City Council has hired consultants to help define what happens with undeveloped land and open space along the coastal bluff tops.  

So far, their key planning issues (p.2) focus on removing barriers to development. They have presented 3 preliminary proposals (p.19-21) that all depict significant changes, new development, and even new roads on lands near and right next to our Coastal Trail.
Help protect this land now and for generations to come. Urge the City Council to provide a clear plan to keep our recreational trails in tip-top shape and protect our existing undeveloped Coastal blufftop lands and open space. 

I love Half Moon Bay's coastal trails and open blufftops. In our General Plan revision process, please provide a clear plan to keep our recreational trails in tip-top shape and protect our existing undeveloped Coastal lands and open space.

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Hello Friends!

Thank you for signing our petition. Our deadline for delivering signatures to protect Half Moon Bay’s Coastal Trail and surrounding lands is approaching! Please send this petition to friends who will help. Let's see if we can get to 2,000 signatures before the Dec. 2nd deadline. With your help, the City of Half Moon Bay will do the right thing.

For more information, go to or email us at

Thank you!
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