• av: Lee Wyatt
  • mottagare: President Barack Obama

Wolf reintroduction into Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho in 1995 was only possible with wolves' Endangered Species Act protections, and it led to a rejuvenation of the park's ecology. Now, around 1,700 wolves live in a region that stretches through parts of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.

Last year most of the wolves in that region lost their federal protections after an unprecedented, behind-closed-doors congressional budget rider -- hundreds of wolves have since been slaughtered in Idaho and Montana. But ironically, due to Wyoming's longstanding claim that it should be allowed to kill any or all wolves throughout most of the state, its wolves remained federally protected.

Wyoming is standing its ground on eliminating wolves across most of the state, but the Fish and Wildlife Service intends to remove their protections anyway. If most of Wyoming's wolves are eradicated, it would seriously reduce their chance to recolonize Colorado, which contains extensive habitat and over-abundant prey.

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