Stop the killing of the 12 year old male Bactrian camel at Odense zoo, Denmark

On Monday 8th August Odense zoo in Denmark plan to complete yet another unlawful killing and dissection in front of the public in an attempt to boost visitor numbers. The excuse given for this barbaric event is that the 12 year old male is old and has been aggressive towards herd members and staff and that they have found "lumps". Considering Bactrian camels have been known to live 20-40 years with some making it to 50 years old this animal has plenty of life left. Also these "lumps" have not actually been proven and no infomation has been released as to what they may be, suggesting no investigation has been completed.people use the excuse that it is in the best interests of the animals welfare, i will allow to to decide on that one! This murder needs to be stopped and keep this beautiful creature safe.

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Well over half way now guys thank you so much!
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