She Stuffed Dead Dogs in Her Freezer. Now She's Facing Almost 150 Animal Abuse Charges.

She claimed she was running a 'rescue shelter' for dogs and 'pet sitting' services in Arizona. And since she had worked at the local sheriff's office, many people were inclined to believe her.

Until a search of her home revealed dead animals stuffed inside her freezer.

Sign the petition to demand justice for these animals!

She's currently facing almost 150 counts of animal abuse and neglect. Authorities were only able to rescue 19 animals from her property, because so many had already died. Eight of these surviving animals required immediate veterinary assistance to treat infections and other conditions.

Her home was apparently filthy and unsanitary, filled with feces and urine, without even any "clean area for the animals to stand." She hadn't even left out any food or water for the animals to eat or drink.

Authorities are currently conducting an in-depth investigation, but one thing remains clear - her so-called 'shelter' must shut down now and never be allowed to run again. This woman must be banned from opening or running any animal-related businesses, living, working with, or owning animals ever again. Sign the petition now!
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