Have Governor Kathy Hochul reintroduce Gray Wolves back into New York State

    The Gray Wolf was once native to New York State but went extinct from over hunting and habitat loss resulting in the last wolf being killed in 1890. The reason being for their extermination is do to the livestock industry demonizing them as savage cow and sheep killers. So, this project aims to help strengthen important ecosystems and correct our ancestors’ wrongs. So I’m calling on New York Governor Kathy Hochul to allow the reintroduction of Gray Wolves into New York State to help revitalize our ecosystems and help control our deer and coyote populations. As we remember what happened when wolves were exterminated from Yellowstone the entire ecosystem collapsed, herbivores were running amuck, and coyotes were out of control, but once the wolves were reintroduced back into the wild the ecosystem was restored. That’s the goal of this petition, to restore New York’s ecosystems. So sign here if you want to see Gray Wolves reclaim their old territories.
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