Please require mandatory spaying and neutering (with exceptions) now!!!

  • av: Victoria Salter
  • mottagare: UK Government, US Government, Australian Government, New Zealand Government, European Governments, European Union đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș and Indian Government

According to the ASPCA, 1.5 million dogs and cats (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats) are killed in US shelters every year. There are around 70 million feral cats in USA. For every cat living in a home, there is a feral cat living rough outside, maybe without sufficient food, water, shelter, vaccinations, veterinary care and protection, and without love, without any comfortable bed or happy times with carers. An indoor cat could live to 15+ years while an outdoor/feral cat may only live to five. According to a study, 27% of male dogs develop testicular cancers, while females are at risk of ovarian cancer. Many dogs and cats have behavioural problems, such as aggression, territory marking, roaming and fighting. In the USA, approximately 100 children are bitten by dogs every day, and around 92 of these children will need medical attention. Some dogs who may be bred by people with good/innocent intentions end up in the hands of dog-fighters and other abusers.
These are all problems that may be greatly reduced by requiring that all dog and cat carers spay and neuter their dogs and cats, unless the animals are too young, medically unsuitable or otherwise unsuitable, or the carers have qualified for proper breeding licenses, requiring not to breed primarily for money, to have done extensive research on dogs/cats, their breeds and dog/cat care and breeding, and to really, really care about and love dogs/cats.
Spaying and neutering can reduce/eliminate aggression, territory marking, fighting and roaming. Spaying/neutering can also prevent ovarian and testicular cancers. Spaying and neutering can also prevent more unwanted animals from being born, and prevent them from leading bad lives and dying in shelters. It could help curb dog and cat overpopulation, and may mean that rescue dogs and cats have better chances of being adopted, as people may adopt rescued animals instead of buying puppies and kittens that may have otherwise been born, and the rescued dogs and cats' temperaments and behaviour may improve, making them more likely to get adopted.
Please, please enact laws to require all dog and cat carers to spay and neuter their cats and dogs (unless they have proper breeding licenses and/or the animals are unsuitable for spaying/neutering).
Thank you 😊.

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