Urge the City of Glendale to find a humane solution for hungry coyotes invading local neighborhoods!

Many of you living in the northwest area of Glendale may have noticed a larger coyote presence of late.  Understandably, those who encounter coyotes will yell, chase or otherwise try to intimidate them.  The coyotes are visiting for one reason only; they are hungry and they need to eat. In response to calls reporting coyote sightings, Pest Management officials will locate and shoot the coyotes.  This does not resolve the root of the problem.  I urge you to consider the coyotes' unique contribution to our rich wildlife in the hills of Glendale.  Please sign this petition to help find a humane and sensible solution that considers each life, whether human or animal, with the proper respect it deserves.

Dear City Council Members of Glendale,

I would like to urge you to work with local Animal Control officials in finding a humane solution to our growing coyote problem.  I understand that the coyotes are visiting neighborhood homes because they are hungry.  This puts our small animals and children at risk.   I would like to request your support for a plan that will help keep the coyotes in the hills of Glendale; perhaps introducing critters lower on the food chain to keep them fed.  Please keep our neighborhoods safe, while helping to maintain the diverse wildlife for which Glendale's hills are so famous.

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