We support the local demand to displace Nevenka Sabic as a shelter manager in Tuzla!

NEVENKA SABIC is not an animal lover. Under her "care" dogs die from starvation and thirst. She does not quarantine dogs. She does not spay and neuter dogs, she does not separate unfixed females from unfixed males and the pups all croak from parvo because they are of course not vaccinated. She does not keep record of the dogs under her care. She harasses and bullies the local volunteers. She opens gates and lets the dogs run lose into certain death. She sells food donations and other donations. She embezzles money. SHE SCARED AWAY MULTIPLE ANIMAL WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS WHO OFFERED LASTING AND ONGOING HELP! (Fellgesichter e.V. who did a hell of a job there, Tierrechtsinitiative Steiermark, Pfotenhilfe Europa, Hundepfoten Stuttgart, Arche Noah Österreich, a private woman who does not want to be mentioned for security reasons...) All these organizations wanted to HELP all they got was that they were screwed by Nevenka Sabic and some of them are not even permitted to cross the border to Bosnia.


A shelter is supposed to be run by dedicated friendly people AND animal lovers! Nevenka Sabic is NOTHING of this! On Saturday October 13th 2012 in the afternoon, she opened 3 gates of the larger kennels and the dogs all "escaped" into certain death! They are going to be shot, poisoned or hit by car in the city of Tuzla. Amongst these dogs was "Chirin" (in the picture) a one year old dog that has been suffering from mange for months now. The local volunteers as well as volunteers from all over Europe ("Marianne's Dog Food Bank" and "Help for the dogs in Tuzla"), mostly Danes, Germans, Austrians  and from the UK but also from afar like Australia and the USA (yes this place is well known in the world), were collecting funds to bring Chirin to a kennel in the city to heal and recover just the day, Nevenka Sabic opened the gates, and she knew they were collecting funds for this dog's help.


Don't you find it a weird coincidence, that Nevenka Sabic was "inattentive" just that day so she left the gates open, when she was cleaning the kennels? What she never does by the way. Chirin was lose for two days. Chirin had no food for two days. Chirin was lost and lonely in the streets of Tuzla for two days. Chirin is a sick dog that needs veterinary care. Chirin WAS SEEN BY NEVENKA SABIC in the city who didn't bother to pick her up! IS THIS ANIMAL WELFARE? IS THIS AN ANIMAL LOVER? THIS IS AN OUTRAGEOUS DISGRACE AND ATROCIOUS AND JUST THE TOP OF THE ICEBERG AND THIS WOMAN SHOULD NOT BE IN CHARGE "CARING" FOR ANY ANIMAL!

There is evidence enough and can be presented to prove that this woman should not be entrusted with this position. There are also people who witnessed the ignorance of Nevenka Sabic.

Two years ago hundreds of dogs died from DISTEMPER and Nevenka Sabic still does not take dogs into quarantine at the vet before they come into the shelter! This is irresponsible.

She has been running this shelter for 12 years now and what improvements did she make? There's still not water, there's still no power. The dogs still get slaughterhouse waste for food. The veterinary care is insufficient. There is no adoption programme. All improvements at the shelter were being accomplished by animal welfare organizations and volunteers from abroad and the tireless work of the local volunteers who she loves to lock out of the pound when she feels like doing it. Again, Nevenka Sabic is NOT an animal lover. WHAT DID THIS WOMAN THE LAST 12 YEARS BUT HAVING A BIG MOUTH, YELLING AT THE VOLUNTEERS AND WORKERS, ABUSING THE ANIMALS AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST USING THE DONATIONS GIVEN TO HER FOR .... YES WHAT FOR??

We demand the immediate displacement of Nevenka Sabic and the installation of a shelter manager who actually cares for the dogs and not for the own EGO and wallet.

Both "Marianne's Dog Food Bank" and "Help the dogs at Tuzla" will not give up like many others did! HELP US TO REPLACE NEVENKA SABIC AS A SHELTER DIRECTOR and make this asylum a real shelter for homeless dogs!

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