Help Save Our Strays at Lorong Halus

Dear Mr. Teo,We are writing this petition to you in the hope that you will consider delaying the construction of the park located at Tampines Lorong Halus which is connected to the Punggol PCN. You are probably aware that there are stray dogs living in that area and with the future construction of the park, AVA will step in to remove these strays from the area and cull them. As much as we would like a better quality of life, we sincerely wish that you will consider giving us some time to find alternative place to relocate the strays instead of having the AVA catch and cull them. We are not asking for a significant amount of time, but rather a reasonable timeframe for us to find an alternative. We do not believe that animals should sacrifice for the sake of humans, especially when SG is always touting itself to be a 1st world country with excellent welfare, security, transportation and government.  
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