Please spare the lives of the pigs destined for being slaughtered for the Pig Idea

You are supplying pigs for the Pig Idea
hile this may not be as bad for the environment as MOST farming of animals, the truth is that meat is always murder and we ask you to make the compassionate choice and spare these pigs lives and send them to a sanctuary if you cannot keep them like pets.
Why are some animals friends and some food??? They all feel the same whether a pig or a dog!

You are supplying pigs for the Pig Idea
While this may not be as bad for the environment as MOST farming of animals, the truth is that meat is always murder and we ask you to make the compassionate choice and spare these pigs lives and send them to a sanctuary if you cannot keep them like pets.
Why are some animals friends and some food??? They all feel the same whether a pig or a dog!

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