Re-Allow Distribution of CANNA-PET into Canada.

  • av: Sonja Gagnon
  • mottagare: Office of the Prime Minister - Prime Minister Stephen Harper
CANNA-PET was widely available within Canada until recently where distribution across the border has been halted. The product is 100% legal, safe, regulated and comes recommended by many veterinarians for the treatment of several health issues including tumors, digestion, stress, and more.
Pets that were once on this medication (and seeing great results) can no longer access the drug and thus have seen their health begin to deteriorate once again.
Canna-Pet is a life saver and has helped with the treatment of a tumor in my own 11 year old cat. Without the medication, my only other options are extremely powerful (and dangerous) chemicals/medications that will have other serious effects on her health.
This petition will allow the manufacturer to once again ship into Canada and give access to the many pets who desperately require this medication.

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