Ban Ritual Animal Slaughter

  • av: Paul Goggins
  • mottagare: The U.K., Scottish and Welsh Governments, and the Northern Ireland Executive

Every year millions of animal’s throats are slit in slow blood letting Schecita (Jewish) and Halal (Muslim) religious slaughter rituals. Although non-stun slaughter is generally illegal in the UK, there is an exemption that permits animals to be slaughtered without being stunned first (quotes from the UK law)  
"if it is necessary for religious reasons"
"it must not cause animals unnecessary suffering"

Professor Bill Reilly, a former president of the British Veterinary Association claims that the practice of slaughtering animals without stunning them breaches legal requirements, and after witnessing Schecita slaughter, described the experience: “The distress, fear and pain were there for all to see (and hear) in the abattoir.”

The former Farm Animal Welfare Council and the EU-funded Dialrel Project similarly concluded that non-stun slaughter is extremely painful and distressing for animals

In 2003, the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), an independent advisory group, concluded that the way halal and kosher meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals. FAWC argued that cattle required up to two minutes to bleed to death when such means are employed. The Chairperson of FAWC at the time, Judy MacArthur Clark, added, "this is a major incision into the animal and to say that it doesn't suffer is quite ridiculous."


Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to, without exemption

1) Prohibit all animal slaughter, regardless of where it is carried out, if it is performed without first instantly rendering the animal unconscious until death.

2) Prohibit the sale, or keeping for sale, of meat and foodstuffs containing meat, derived from any animal slaughtered without a pre-stun as described in (1) above, regardless of its geographical origin.


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