Justice for Gooch: Dog Killed by Groomer

When Laurie Crouch scheduled a nail clipping for her 3-year old service dog, Gooch, on October 14, 2010, she never expected poor Gooch wouldn't survive the routine procedure.

The groomer cut Gooch's quick, the inner part of the nail with blood vessels and nerve endings, which caused Gooch to struggle. Laurie, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, watched helplessly as the groomer wrapped a leash around Gooch's muzzle, lifted him off the ground with a prong collar, and sat on him. Laurie told the groomer to stop, but she refused.

Gooch died in front of Laurie's eyes. A necropsy determined the cause of death as suffocation, and found brain and liver hemorrhaging.

The police are investigating this case and they, along with the county prosecutor, are deciding if charges will be brought against the groomer. Help us urge the Oakland County Prosecutor to file charges against Gooch's killer and ask for the maximum sentence.
We the undersigned respectfully request all possible charges be filed against the killer of Laurie Crouch's service dog, Gooch who was killed by a groomer during a routine nail clip.

And when convicted we also request the guilty party be sentenced to the maximum amount possible under the law.
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