Get Moving on the Spring 2025 Bitcoin Challenge

The Spring 2025 Bitcoin Wallet Challenge

be the first to grab-and-go

Yes, it is that time of year. Spring ahead with the Bitcoin Wallet Challenge! Remember, when the season is gone, this challenge round is gone, too.

To experienced contestants like recent winner the rules may seem oddly familiar. Before you enter, you will need to pick one, two, or three of the eligible bitcoin wallets offered during this contest cycle:

  1. bitcoin wallet BC1QOG6YJKP98LS8AH99HWTJG67674VND8TEOPCLNG
  2. bitcoin wallet 12ZLU11k4T1MCk8Kc5uxweTqTSamPiK5fD
  3. bitcoin wallet 145SmyE7DBEQExsnXZobojbQqr5UdgbCHh
  4. bitcoin wallet 15NCWERN56DQNf4WiPLR2txgiEF2np5Q2g
  5. bitcoin wallet 15e79M3E5ATMeGorCz6EVZtv6wK6o2g7r7
  6. bitcoin wallet 17jHsGecV53ro2LGzo53s5trTH6Qf3gksS
  7. bitcoin wallet 18rhW8tFJyyszgJr9yUes57nZjVP22BVu
  8. bitcoin wallet 1DxrzqzwqDBw1jcHUZv1Qb9eFFfYzdiXCY
  9. bitcoin wallet 1EPeB1Ea1v1XAg7L2yFFuhifFsX1sswDKG
  10. bitcoin wallet 1GwaVJAdZHQEJFdD1tpDw4KvYas1XAJyic
  11. bitcoin wallet 1JnAnpgEvvcHYDQ9bfLKPHUG5frTyamMqw
  12. bitcoin wallet 1JtF1FnvUukKpSJp396yja7HxhyDGkD1VE
  13. bitcoin wallet 1Jv4gYRkCiDQqBQvdmDW9c2Dqwg1pYfn6y
  14. bitcoin wallet 1K7wZ8wwaGUrrUqBfDq7wrrBVBqPtjXNr2
  15. bitcoin wallet 1KRBGGiiVLq5zNkBtp5LYnKWtD3tSKdMSJ
  16. bitcoin wallet 1P9V9BQ83wdEXGm3KmGxXMAdCVeXSd5W3Z
  17. bitcoin wallet 1dEfpd1sjZTCkjhb9DD5gnzMiiQYoXZhE
  18. bitcoin wallet 3K14XypacMFi5nrH4mdaNyRGZdk1MNBCUA
  19. bitcoin wallet bc1q6x4kev9pefay37uctaq9ggqmxrg7a6txn2tanf

To enter, you

  1. open the wallet
  2. write down the balance
  3. report wallet & balance to one judge

You must e-mail the wallet ID and the balance to any judge on our list, shown below. If you report on the same wallet more than once, whether to the same or different judges, and whether with the same or different balances, you will be disqualified for that wallet. You may submit balances for up to three different wallets.

To avoid misunderstandings, however, we would request that you report balances for different wallets to different judges. Reporting two different balances to the same judge sometimes causes confusion. And, of course, entering more than three balances in any Bitcoin Challenge cycle, no matter how done, disqualifies all of your entries.

If you are the first person to report the balance in one of these wallets, you win the prize, which is the balance in that wallet.

The challenge is to be the first to report the balance in your chosen wallet to one of the judges in the Google GMail Group. km0206 order scam, inventory, full of woe, empty warehouse mail0107 elite, scammer, modern, not good, list, spreads mia1213 spam list, google pres0115 efficient, low overhead, reputation, off-shore, support, waste, pain sw1204 escrow, modern, scam, pain thaa0127 tired of working, good reputation, low overhead, swallow

The standard rules and regulations apply:

  • Contest ends May 21, 2024 at 1300 (1.00 p.m.) Pacific Daylight Time.
  • Not responsible for lost, delayed, or misdirected entries.
  • You must use the full 30+ character bitcoin wallet ID in reporting.
  • Judges' mailer date stamps are presumed correct.
  • All judges' award decisions are final.
  • If multiple reports are made for the same wallet, the first qualified correct entry received will be the winner.
  • If, for any wallet, no one reports the correct balance, then no prize will be awarded for that wallet.
  • Any prizes not awarded may be carried forward to the next contest cycle.

There are reports that a professional hacker who has managed to successfully hack operating systems and spy on all your devices may be in the competition. Even the ability to do Trojan Viruses and monitor web browsing habits, no matter how fictional, does not assure victory in this challenge. You can send money and it may be used as seed in the next Bitcoin Wallet Challenge.

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