Allow Strollers on Philly Buses

Philadelphia's public transit system (SEPTA) prohibits parents from having open strollers on the bus. It's required that parents fold their strollers prior to boarding.

I have tried to carry my stroller, my squirming baby, and the diaper bag onto a bus before. It was not pretty. By the time I managed to get everything on board and pay the fare, everyone around me was shooting me impatient looks, my son was crying, and I felt like bursting into tears myself. 

Instead of trying to do the bus juggling act, now I just walk when I can. If the distance is too far or the weather is bad, I fork over the cash for a rideshare. Sometimes the logistics of getting around the city with my son are so difficult that I just stay home.

Many cities in the U.S. and worldwide allow open strollers on buses. They have proven that we can give priority to people with wheelchairs while also ensuring parents and caregivers aren't unnecessarily burdened -- especially when it's not rush hour and there's plenty of space.

Parents who signed a Care2 petition asking NYC to change a stroller ban rule pointed out how unsafe it is to make people hold children or place them on a bus seat without a seat belt. My son is at the age now where he doesn't ever want to sit still. I shudder to think what would happen if he managed to wiggle out of my arms and the bus driver suddenly put on the breaks. It is much better to be able to keep our children fastened into a stroller.

Please sign my petition to demand that SEPTA allow us to keep our kids in strollers on buses, at least when it's not rush hour.
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