Don't dismiss Trump's criminal charges just because he won the election

  • av: Left Action
  • mottagare: Judge and officials in Trump criminal case

Donald Trump's lawyers are pushing to overturn his convictions in the so-called "hush money" case, because he won the presidential election. And the court is considering it.

How the hell does this make any sense?

If a student burns down the school, but then wins the vote for homecoming queen, would there be no punishment? If I rob a bank, but then get a coffee mug with "world's greatest dad", do I get to keep the money?

Trump was convicted of a crime. 34 of them, in fact. And he should be punished and serve his time. At worst, that could be delayed. But overturned? Hell no.

Add your name, and demand that Trump's convictions not be dismissed, and that he be punished for his crimes.

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