Save The unique Ojnare forest on north Gotland!

  • av: Niko Cremer
  • mottagare: Nordkalk and The Swedish Goverment

Say Nordkalk to STOP the cut down!
Say The Swedish Goverment to STOP the cut down! 

The company Nordkalk will take to reach the unique Ojnare forest on north Gotland, and they will start taking down the forest this Monday!  

The Ojnare forest on Gotland, in the Baltic Sea, consists of centuries-old pines growing over the limestone that characterizes the island. It is a unique and varied area that includes many wetlands. But now, the company Nordkalk wants to quarry the land for its lime.  

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♥ love for the trees the animals the nature :D *

The activists in the resistance camp need all the help they can get, it is now or never!
If they manage to destroy this area before the court have taken a knew decision, it means
*266 endangered species,
*of which 3 has this forest as their only place on earth, will disappear.

*The company has payed 1 million Swedish crones to the Swedish geological investigation to write about their work to the court, and they have managed to change the law so that they can make their limestone quarry despite the endangered species in the area.
And they say Sweden has no corruption?
This cou
ld become one of the biggest scandals in the history of Swedish Nature conservation! Spread the word far and wide, and if you have the ability come and join the battle! 

The spirit of the trees and animals in Ojnare! ♥♥♥♥

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I wish to enrich and wish you a healing wonderful time and all beings and creature peace love joy bliss healing and deep respect and love and listening and balance ♥♥

Join the petitition! For the Biodiversity and a sacred Home for Native and Endangered animals and Plants! 

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