Michael Jackson Was My Lover: The Secret Diary of Jordie Chandler, lies sold online Amazon


We have to prohibit this book from selling, the author slanders Michael Jackson in his memory for his children and for respect as a human being this defamatory book must be prohibit, please sign ! It's never too late !
Please Join me for banning this book !


It's because Michael was confronted to so many injustices, lies, slanders, because Michael was stoned by those awful people who lied just for money, that’s why you have to sign this petition, we must try to make this filthy book disappears from the selling, because we have enough of all those vultures who never respected Michael and continue to be insensitive to him in spite he passed away and it’s for all those haters, liars, those greedy leeches we have to fight for Michael for love and respect of this wonderful human being he was !

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