Protect Foxes From Wanton Cruelty!

Life is hard--if you're a fox. In Pike County, Pennsylvania, somebody trapped nine foxes, bashed their skulls in, and dumped them in a creek. The local Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says it has no jurisdiction because they are game, not domestic animals.

Foxes are genetically very similar to dogs. So similar, in fact, that the fox carcasses were initially believed to be puppies. It took a trained pathologist to discover that the bones were actually those of foxes. It makes no sense for dogs to have so many legal rights while foxes have none at all.

Please join me in asking the Pennsylvania Game Commission to revise gaming and trapping laws to require catch and release of animals that are not being killed for skins or meat.

Dear Pennsylvania Game Commissioners:

I was really shocked to learn that someone wantonly trapped, killed, and dumped nine foxes in a creek. As you know from the investigation and subsequent media coverage, these fox carcasses looked so much like puppies that a local animal rights group became interested in the case. It makes no sense, however, that there is no justice to come for these murdered foxes. Just because they are wildlife and not pets does not mean their lives are meaningless or that they should be subjected to pointless cruelty. Please revise gaming and trapping laws to require catch and release of animals that are not being killed for skins or meat.

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