Snapchat: Remove Speed Filter. Help stop distracted driving deaths!

The popular app, Snapchat, has a "speed filter" to show how fast your car is going while you take a Selfie.

Teens are driving 80 MPH, 90 MPH or even 100 MPH to get a snapchat showing their speed!

There are numerous reports of horrific high speed accidents, injuries and deaths of drivers, passengers and innocent drivers.

This is insane. It may be fun to show how fast you're running, or cycling, but it's dangerous and irresponsible for Snapchat to have this feature for high speeds. We're asking Snapchat to remove the "Speed Filter", or at least limit it to safe speeds.

Recent reports show the US has seen the greatest rise in traffic deaths in 50 years. Drivers are getting distracted, and mobile app companies like Snapchat need to Do the Right Thing.

While Snapchat is being sued by a victim - injured by a teen driving 107 MPH while taking a speed filter snapchat - the Company is unlikely to want to turn off the filter for fear of looking guilty. But, Evan, as CEO of Snapchat, we implore you to protect our children, our friends and our own lives. Please - it's the right thing to do.

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