Stop Stabbing Frogs to Death as a Fundraiser

  • av: Laura Goldman
  • mottagare: Dekalb County Young Farmers and Ranchers and DeKalb County Mayor Mike Foster , Tennessee

To raise money for agriculture scholarships in DeKalb County, Tenn., an annual nighttime event called "Giggin' for Grads" has been held since 2013.

Participants pay $15 to kill up to 20 bullfrogs during a six-hour period, using gigs, spears or pitchforks to impale them. There are prizes for those who kill the heaviest frogs.

Bullfrogs are coldblooded and have slow metabolisms, so it takes them a long time to die after being stabbed. "Gigged" bullfrogs die of shock, organ failure or by bleeding to death.

The participants don't only kill bullfrogs in the darkness, but other frogs and toads that may be endangered.

This year's Giggin' for Grads is being held June 24. Please sign and share the petition asking officials to end this cruel event.

Please end the annual “Giggin' for Grads” event. Stabbing frogs is cruel and unnecessary, and doing so may even be breaking animal cruelty laws.

I urge you to consider a more humane way to raise funds for scholarships that doesn't involve killing animals.


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