Bring justice to Darla my mother's multiple sclerosis service dog for wrongful euthnization

  • av: Joshua Flippin
  • mottagare: Gina bullins Beasley officer Jackson and director Abraham doby of surry county animal control

Well darla was 13 years old and she was my mother's ms service dog.she was my mother's eyes and her protection. Also my mother had to be admitted in the hospital twice due to ms attacks and Darla was the hero who went and alerted the neighbor who called 911 and if it wasn't for Darla my mother would not be alive today Gina bullins Beasley of 4050 east pine Street called surry county animal control stating she had Darla for 8 weeks.officer Jackson came picked her up after bating a trap Jackson said Darla was aggressive.officer Jackson never gave Darla a 72 hour time frame to be claimed and killed her in 8 hour's after picking her up.Gina bullins Beasley lied and had Darla put to sleep. My mother called the director Abraham doby and he stated their was nothing he could do my mother is disabled and cannot have anything due to her financial situation please help bring justice to Darla the hero and help me prosecute Gina bullins Beasley thanks in advanced a god bless

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