Tell Costco to stop selling Roundup, it's killing the Bee's

  • av: Maggie Smith
  • mottagare: President of Costco Corporation
Scientists at the University of London believe that when bees are exposed to even low levels of neonicotinoids, behavioral changes occur and work inside the colony ceases. Neonicotinoids are one of the primary chemical ingredients in Monsanto agricultural products.

The bee colony collapse study also revealed that exposure to chemical pesticides like neonicotinoids in crop fields impact individual bees. The exposure to popular chemical herbicides and pesticides like Monsanto manufactures by even a single bee can cause a honeybee colony to fail.
Supplemental Glyphosate IPA (Roundup) ... Glyphosate IPA (Roundup) ...has been shown to contribute to the Bee Colony Collapse.
It's time to ask Costco to join with Lowe's decision to stop selling Roundup.
Let's help the bee's and our California farmers.
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