• av: GM Paws
  • mottagare: The Government of Mauritius
    • The current theory being sanctioned by local authorities is if we can get rid of all of these pests in mass extermination round-up programs; often using cruel and indiscriminate culling prompted by a quota/animal system and then due to the large numbers of animals involved, practice inhumane mass euthanasia techniques that result in terrible suffering for these unfortunate creatures; that the problem will be solved.

    • These animals through no fault of their own suffer from such cruelties as starvation, untreated/terminal disease and trauma stemming from physical abuse; outcomes commonly associated with an unwanted and uncared for existence. 
    • We want the mauritius Government to agree to:
  •  An Animal Welfare Education Program. This would include awareness on the need to spay/neuter animals and educate on responsible pet ownership.

    · Stop the indiscriminate culling and inhumane killing of animals and choose a more humane and sustainable means to manage the stray dog population.

    ·   Anti-cruelty and protective animal welfare legislation in 2012

To; The Government of Mauritius.

Dear Sirs,

  PAWS of Mauritius are presenting you with this petition to gain your agreement to the introduction of : 

·                     An Animal Welfare Education Program. This would include awareness on the need to spay/neuter animals and educate on responsible pet ownership.

·                     Stop the indiscriminate culling and inhumane killing of animals and choose a more humane and sustainable means to manage the stray dog population.

·                     Anti-cruelty and protective animal welfare legislation in 2012

The current statistics on stray dogs in Mauritius is plus 200,000 and this number is growing exponentially.

One unsterilised female with her offspring will produce on average 114 new strays per year and one unneutered male multiply that number by the amount of females he can mate with in one year.

These animals through no fault of their own suffer from such cruelties as starvation, untreated/terminal disease and trauma stemming from physical abuse; outcomes commonly associated with an unwanted and uncared for existence. Although dogs and cats throughout history share a unique natural affectionate bond with humans, in our modern society these unfortunate abandoned animals are now being labelled as "pests" and singled out for mass extermination in the hopes of keeping the environment "clean".

The current theory being sanctioned by local authorities is if we can get rid of all of these pests in mass extermination round-up programs; often using cruel and indiscriminate culling prompted by a quota/animal system and then due to the large numbers of animals involved, practice inhumane mass euthanasia techniques that result in terrible suffering for these unfortunate creatures; that the problem will be solved.

PAWS, the Protection of Animals Welfare Society, a CSR accredited, non-governmental organisation in Mauritius, has been  working hard since 1999 to improve animal welfare on the island and by gaining your support on this petition,  we hope to put a stop to this misguided strategy once and for all.

Yours sincerely

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