Contradict Author Malcolm Gladwell Says Football and Dog fighting Are The Same!!

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Local State Representatives and Governors Office

Please sign and share if you are in favor of banning all dog fights and believe this is a horrifying story of sick analogy.  Can you remotely believe that anyone in their right mind would compare fighting dogs with playing football? In promoting his new book just recently on CNN, Gladwell discusses his ban on college football and he has a belief that dogs fight each other under an allegiance to their owner, enduring serious, sustained combat. At the same time, college football is the same, stating that young boys do the same, smashing each other in the heads under allegiance to their elders and the belief that they are "participating in some grand American spectacle." He ends by saying dog fights and football; "they're the same thing."  If you contradict Gladwell's analogy, please sign and share, share, share to take a stand in this important issue.

Football is a sport, a game that is participated in by choice and not for the purpose of injury.  Injuries do happen but never intentionally as they do for a poor innocent dog that is trained to KILL!  They do not get monetary compensation for this training and forced activity, the sick owners and spectators benefit.  The dogs are not granted free education for participation or have any choice in the matter like humans who opt for playing football. 

What kind of sick person can present such an argument that has no baring or any possible similarities?  Dog fighting is a sick form of amusement for ill-minded individuals.  These types of people call it a sport and say animals are on this earth to entertain us. Not!  They are sweet loving creatures that many times are forgiving of those that hurt them because of their caring nature hungry for attention.  Put the humans in the ring to duke it out till death and not defenseless animals that have no choice in the matter!!!!!!!!

Please put more effort in enforcing stringent laws and regulations on such animal abuse and cruelty as dog fights or any other type of animal fights.  Animals were not put on this earth to entertain humans in such a criminal and cruel manner but will not stop without better laws and enforcement of those laws.  Animals are living, breathing creatures that are willing to serve us; let us serve them by protecting them from the cowards who hurt them.  Help those without a voice by speaking louder through more stringent lows against animal cruelty.

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