Dozens of Miniature Horses and Chickens Were Seized in This Animal Cruelty Case

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Burke County Authorities

Authorities in Burke County, North Carolina came upon a tragic scene while serving two search warrants for suspected animal abuse. Nearly 50 miniature horses and 39 chickens, were taken from two properties where they had clearly experienced extreme neglect. Workers from Animal Control even found skeletal remains near the crowded remaining animals. The person who committed this atrocious form of cruelty should not be allowed to own animals again in the future!

Sign now to tell authorities in Burke County to give this person a lifetime ban on animal ownership!

Thankfully, most of the animals found are on the road to recovery, but for some, it was too late. An autopsy found that at least one of the animals that died – a sweet miniature horse had starved to death. Investigators also found evidence that horses were eating sawdust and mud, confirming the poor animals were desperate for food and sustenance.

Miniature horses are rare when it comes to animal cruelty cases, making this case uniquely shocking. The woman who owned the properties and animals is facing 23 charges, but has been released on bond already. As the law currently stands, there is nothing preventing her from owning animals again.

The most important thing that local authorities can do is to guarantee that this person, who is clearly not in a position to safely own or care for animals, can never own an animal again. Sign the petition now if you agree!

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