Demand that vaccinations for Rabbit hemorrhagic disease be legalized in the United States

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease, strain one and strain two is a highly contagious, almost always fatal disease. There is no treatment, there is no cure but there is a preventative vaccine available in other countries that is not legal to be imported into most of the states in the United States.  Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease is beginning to show up on both coasts now.  The preventative vaccine must be made legal for use in the United States.   Raise your voice here! Make it plain that you feel this needs to be done and quickly.  There is no time to lose - we need this vaccine here before the next outbreak. This petition will be sent to those in control who need to know that their constituents want and need this vaccine for their beloved pet Rabbits. This petition is started in honor of Harlow who was rescued after being dumped in Central Park only to die of this horrible disease. And in honor of the other lives this outbreak has taken.  And in hopes that we could prevent this happening again'

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