Stop abusing horses during the palio of Siena and Legnano

Today, on August 16, will take place the indecent event  called "Palio", where horses are tortured every year and often find death.

Each year we hope to be the last but unfortunately the violence of man combined with the economic interests that our governments have in the perpetration of these "traditions" violent means that reality as the Palio di Siena nad other like the one of Legnano continue their long streak of blood.

It 's time to put a definitive end to reality such as the Palio, the symbol of an Italy full of traditions violent torturing animals.

these animals are not machines, they need respect, often they die in a really cruel way just for the fan of the people and the tourist. Since the beginning until now have 48 dead horses and maybe even more if you count those killed off the track and sight of the spectators, many animals die after fall over, where they broke their limbs and sometimes their neck or their back.

I'm an italian and I'm so ashamed about this stupid tradition where the poor horses have to run in a very heavy road, without measures of security.

I will put a link for a video  'cause it's really hard to explain what I mean, please "don't watch it if u are too much sensitive"

 please help to stop this cruelty for which the 'Italy should be ashamed and not be proud of.

Today, on August 16, will take place the indecent event  called "Palio", where horses are tortured every year and often find death.

Each year we hope to be the last but unfortunately the violence of man combined with the economic interests that our governments have in the perpetration of these "traditions" violent means that reality as the Palio di Siena nad other like the one of Legnano continue their long streak of blood.

It 's time to put a definitive end to reality such as the Palio, the symbol of an Italy full of traditions violent torturing animals.

these animals are not machines, they need respect, often they die in a really cruel way just for the fan of the people and the tourist. Since the beginning until now have 48 dead horses and maybe even more if you count those killed off the track and sight of the spectators, many animals die after fall over, where they broke their limbs and sometimes their neck or their back.

I'm an italian and I'm so ashamed about this stupid tradition where the poor horses have to run in a very heavy road, without measures of security.

I will put a link for a video  'cause it's really hard to explain what I mean, please "don't watch it if u are too much sensitive"

 please help to stop this cruelty for which the 'Italy should be ashamed and not be proud of.

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