On the 21st April, a drunken crowd of around 40 people gathered in the road outside Hindo’s home shouting, drinking and throwing bottles at nearby cars. Hindo and her family watched from their balcony, frightened. Her owner phoned the police 3 times and reported the situation and was told each time a patrol car was on the way. His mother was brave enough to go down and ask the crowd to stop throwing bottles. The patrol car did not arrive and 10-15 members of this mob climbed fencing and reached the balcony with broken bottles where they slashed at Hindo’s owner and his mother and picked Hindo up by her legs and threw her over the balcony. Hindo’s owner fought his way through the mob to try and reach his dog, who was being savagely beaten with sticks on the road where she had fallen
Hindo died from her injuries whilst being taken to the vet. She was murdered outside her home in front of her family. This happened in England. In a country famed for loving animals.
Hindo’s family can’t bring her back, but they want to know the people responsible for this are punished to the full extent of the law. And so do we.
Neighbours saw what was happening. 10 video tapes of this horrific event have been handed to the police. 6 people have been arrested so far and released on bail pending enquiries. 2 of those have attempted to leave the country. We are asking the Merseyside Police to ensure that justice is pursued vigorously for Hindo and her family.
Please join us. Please sign this petition and let Merseyside Police know that the British Public want justice for Hindo and her family.
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