Create a National registry for animal abusers NOW!

Convicted child abusers are automatically entered into a national public registry to inform people of their whereabouts and to ensure children's safety. This helps to keep parents informed about potential danger in their neighborhoods.

Animal abusers should be held to no lower standards, and should be required to enter an animal abuse registry in order to protect the lives of animals living in close vicinity. In addition, animal abusers often progress to harming people, so this may also be a useful data base for law enforcement. Let the US Secretary of Agriculture,Thomas Vilsack know you support enacting this.

Added Note: If anyone recalls the horrific torture of "Puppy doe" this was a dog that was obtained by the human monster through Craigs list. I feel this is an important point. If the dogs owner could have looked up the persons name on data bank this poor dog could have been spared the agony inflicted by the person who took her. This could also block people like Michael Vick (Convicted of dog fighting) from ever owning an animal again. Please post this to face book and help keep inhuman people from ever having access to another animal once they are convicted of animal abuse. This could also help law enforcement end dog fighting rings. THANK YOU!

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