Government of Valencia: Stop the illegal hunting of birds in the Albufera Natural Reserve

  • av: Fabio G
  • mottagare: Government of Valencia

The Albufera of Valencia is one of the few natural paradises in the East Spanish coast. With over 21,000 hectares, it’s one of the most important wetlands in Europe and a key shelter for birds migrating from Africa and for those fleeing from the frozen lakes of northern Europe during the winter.

Of course, the Albufera is environmentally protected, and anyone who wants to hunt on its area must respect a strict quota. Unfortunately, these limits are not usually respected: since 2012 thousands of ducks have been slaughtered without control in the Albufera of Valencia. And with them, several species of protected birds whose hunting is prohibited.

Many environmental organizations are denouncing that hunters are out of control in the Albufera, but the Valencian regional government hasn’t taken yet any strong measures to stop this slaughter. Sign this petition and help me get the government of Valencia to take measures to stop illegal hunting in the Albufera Natural Reserve.

Please, take measures to stop illegal hunting in the Albufera Natural Reserve.

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