Stop Chimpanzee Smoking at Chinese Zoo!

Jia Ku, a chimpanzee at Tianshan Wild Animal Zoo in China, smokes cigarettes for tourists' amusement, as shown in this video. Tourists laugh at the chimp and offer him cigarettes every time the old one burns down. Jia Ku uses the butt of the previous smoke to light the next one.

Chimps face the same health hazards of smoking that humans do, but they lack the intellectual capacity to consent. Jia Ku's chain smoking is not only putting his own health at risk, but it's exposing tourists and their children to harmful secondhand smoke and polluting the zoo environment.

Please sign the petition to urge Tianshan Wild Animal Zoo to offer a healthy, stimulating environment for Jia Ku, and to ban tourists from giving him cigarettes.

We, the undersigned, are concerned with the treatment of Jia Ku, a chimpanzee at Tianshan Wild Animal Zoo. We understand that he smokes cigarettes for tourists' amusement, as shown in this video.

Chimps face the same health hazards of smoking that humans do, but they lack the intellectual capacity to consent. Jia Ku's chain smoking is not only putting his own health at risk, but it's exposing tourists and their children to harmful secondhand smoke and polluting the zoo environment.

We respectfully urge you to offer a healthy, stimulating environment for Jia Ku, and to ban tourists from giving him cigarettes.

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