Libya's Devastating Flood Crisis Needs Action!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Libya's Government of National Unity

In the eastern Libyan city of Derna, a catastrophic flood has claimed at least 3,900 lives, with thousands more still missing. The flood was made worse by the failure of two poorly maintained dams, leading to protests and widespread public outrage against negligent officials. This is not just a natural disaster; it's a catastrophic failure of governance. 

Since 2014, Libya has been divided between two rival governments in the east and west. Both governments have pledged to help with rescue efforts in the flood-affected areas, but they have never successfully collaborated before.

Sign now to urge the rival Libyan governments to set aside their differences and cooperate to effectively manage the Derna flood crisis!

Just last year, the governments were warned about the area's vulnerability to flooding disasters. A scientific paper published last year even called for urgent maintenance of the dams, but nothing happened. Given the fractured state of governance in Libya, cooperation between the rival governments is essential for effectively managing this crisis and preventing future disasters.

By signing this petition, you send a strong message to both of Libya's rival governments and the international community at large: The people of Derna, and the thousands who have lost their lives, deserve justice, support, and effective governance through cooperation.

Sign the petition now if you agree!

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