Stop further killing of the Swedish wolf !

  • av: I say NO
  • mottagare: European Commission - Stavros Dimas
The Swedish government decided to let 1200 hunters get
licenses to kill 27 wolfes in January 2010 !

Sweden have less than 250 wolfes and they are on the
list of endangered animals.

They have tried before to kill the Swedish wolf to
extinction, but did not succed completly that time,
3 wolfs did survive !

So the population of wolfes in Sweden today is not only
endangered by hunters and unlegal killings, they are
also  inbred, so that can cause problems for some of
them and this makes the hole population very sensitive !

Scientists says they are critically endangered and so do
The Society for Nature Conservation in Sweden.

The Swedish goverment do not care and do not listen to
scientists and people protecting wildlife for future
generations to come.

They have killed some alfapairs and one animal with
transmittor for datacollection and there was no
special wolf to kill, so they killed what happened to come
their way.

The dead wolfs was to be transported to lab for
collection of information about their condition and so
on, but some of the males did not have their testicles
any more.

We need aid to protect our wolfs now and Sweden is a
part of EU, so our hope to stop futher madness is to
have  this cry for help go to Mr Stavros Dimas that handels
enviromental issues in the Europan Commission.

In EU the Swedish wolf is also protected and this is also directed
to the court of justice in handling endangered
animals in our environment.

This must never happen again.
Honored Mr Stavros Dimas !

We like you to know that we do not aprove of this killing of the wolfes that took place in Sweden in January 2010 !

The wolf are to be protected by the goverment, not hunted !
The way it was done was a act of crime in our eyes !
The population of wolfs in Sweden is endangered by inbreeding and unlegal killing !

The way they were hunted was chameful and a wolf with transmittor was killed and dead wolfes that was to be transported to labaratorium for collection of data was not complete as some males were missing their testicles !  Alfapairs was killed and in some cases single alfa animals !

Honored Mr Stavros Dimas we se no other option than to pleed for your help to stop futher killings !
Now they are discussing to kill maby 50 wolfes next year !
With maby only 220 wolfes in Sweden they should not consider any hunting at all !
Our wish is that this will go to the court of justice as a crime against our environment and hope that this will not be repeated in 2011 !

The wolf has to be safe, and we are to protect them !

Honored Mr Stavros Dimas, our hope is now with you and the commission of Europe
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