Due to large number of stray dogs in city of Sarajevo in Bosnia, municipal government of Sarajevo has decided to reopen the dog pound that has been closed. Dog pounds were notorious for some of the shameful practices of removing stray dogs, through out the region of former Yugoslavia. There were many cases of dogs being hanged, thrown in fire and so on. Nobody cared but we care now. And now, Minister Zlatko Petrovic has given a green light for reopening this place.
Thrown in to the streets by owners who didn't want to neutur them, their number rises. Starved and often abused by humans, some become aggressive. Since there are no laws regarding owner's responsibility, people are just throwing their dogs on the street without having to face any consequences for their actions.
City of Sarajevo needs for the city to fund the neutering of stray dogs and humanly to euthanize only the aggressive and dangerous dogs, not all of them! Instead, the dog pound will just hunt down all the strays and just eliminate them. They said that ˝only dangerous and aggressive dogs will be taken˝, but dog pounds in this region are not known for being very careful, nor selective. We thought that days of idiscriminate killing by the city in dog pounds were over, but they are coming back. Unless we stop this, hundreds of dogs will be killed in months to come.
Help us stop this and tell Srajevo government and Minister Zlatko Petrovic that modern European city needs a way of humanly solving problems of stray dogs and not killing them.
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