Stop the genocide of unsheltered dogs in Yerevan

  • av: Inna K
  • mottagare: Municipality of Yerevan city, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

There is a company in Armenia called "Unigraph X" that gets about 200.000.000 AMD (armenian drams) which is equal to 416.000 USD from the government of Rebublic of Armenia for taking care, sterilizing, rescuing and curing from different diseases the unsheltered dogs and cats in the capital of the country, Yerevan city. The municipality of Yerevan provides each year this sum but the company does not use the money for the given issue. Instead of curing and sterilizing the poor animals properly they mainly shoot them on the streets and burn the bodies of the dead animals afterwards in order to destroy the evidences. Nevertheless, there have been thousands of evidences, photos, videos and witnesses of the cruelties commited by this company. Sometimes by mistake they even shot dogs which had owners, but were just having a walk in the street or sleeping calmly outside the house.
They do this dirty work in the middle of the night in order to avoid any witnesses. There can be heard the sound of shots and dogs crying at night from different parts of the city. Sometimes they shoot the animals not to death but just wound them and leave to die in tortures in the street.
Please, help us gain justice for these poor animals, stop the cruelties against them and save the unsheltered dogs and cats from tortureous death.

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