Demand Congress refuse to impeach judges who oppose Trump!

Elon Musk's attacks on the judiciary are hitting a dangerous new low and are threatening the very fabric of our democracy. He's now publicly pushing for the impeachment of judges who have been blocking Donald Trump and Elon's illegal actions, claiming that there is a "judicial coup" underway.

"The only way to restore rule of the people in America is to impeach judges. Activist judges must be removed from the bench or there is no justice," wrote Elon on Twitter.

Don't impeach judges simply for upholding the law!

What Elon Musk clearly wants is a dictatorship where there are no checks or balances on his power, and impeaching judges would be a huge step towards dismantling our democracy for good.

"For the rule of law to exist, the public must have trust in the judicial system. The rule of law doesn't exist if the public is not willing to acknowledge and be bound by the rulings of courts, even if they disagree with them," says Paul Grimm, the director of the Bolch Judicial Institute at Duke Law School. We must make our voices heard and let Congress know that we will not stand for any impeachment of judges simply because they won't let Elon and Trump break the law.

Demand Congress refuse to impeach judges who oppose Trump!

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