Demand that Carnival Corporation Oppose the Proposed Grand Turk Captive Dolphin Facility

  • av: Don Stark
  • mottagare: Arnold W. Donald, President and CEO, Carnival Corporation

Dear Mr. Donald,
The world's attitude is rapidly turning against captive marine mammal
facilities as evidenced by the recent decision by Sea World to stop their
orca breeding program and by the National Aquarium's decision to move their
dolphins to a dolphin sanctuary they intend to build. Since the UK Division
of Carnival has already reached the conclusion that visiting locations with
captive marine mammal facilities is not the right image for the company, why
don't you do the same and announce to the world that Carnival Corporation
will no longer support captive marine mammal facilities such as that
proposed for Grand Turk in the Turks & Caicos Islands. Please help us stop
the proliferation of this cruel practice and gain the support of 130,000
people who have already signed a petition opposing the proposed Grand Turk
dolphin facility.

Thank you.

Don C. Stark
Turks & Caicos Reef Fund
Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands

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