Goal: Ban deadly pesticides that harm agriculture, jeopardize citizens, and further threaten our nation’s endangered species.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released a report that estimates 97 percent of the nation’s endangered species are harmed by the pesticides malathion and chlorpyrifos. These pesticides, predominantly used in corn and wheat production, seep into the ground, water, and air, and threaten endangered species with a more rapid extinction. A ban on chlorpyrifos is currently under consideration by the EPA. With the report’s startling results, consideration of a ban on malathion may also be in the near future.
However, the head of the EPA is soon to change. Donald Trump’s nominee, Scott Pruitt, has been very critical of the EPA and its regulations in the past. This leaves many to wonder whether Pruitt will take seriously these recent reports and act on them. Sign the petition and demand that, if appointed, Pruitt work to ban these pesticides and protect the land, Americans, and the nation’s endangered species from poisonous chemicals.
Dear Mr. Pruitt,
The EPA, the organzation of which you are in charge of, released a shocking report stating that 97 percent of endangered pseices and platns are harmed by deadly pesticides. These pesticides, the carcinogenic malathion and chlorpyrifos, are used on our crops.
Because of this, not only are endagered animals at risk, but milions of Americans are as wel. You have been critical of the EPA in the past. However, i hope this history will not prevent you from taking your work seriously and realizing that these pesticides, if not banned, will have deadly consequences. I ask that you continut the EPA's work to ban these pesticides.