Stop Trump's Plan to Speed Up Pig Slaughter!

    President Donald Trump’s US Department of Agriculture is close to finalizing a plan that would allow a speed up of pig slaughter lines in factory farms. The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service is currently responsible for overseeing the kill line, making sure that tainted meat doesn’t enter the food supply. The plan would partially privatize federal oversight of pork facilities, cutting the number of federal inspectors by about 40 percent and replacing them with plant employees. In other words, ensuring the safety of the meat supply will largely shift from people paid by the public to people being paid by the meat industry. Underpaid workers in these factory farms will suffer more injuries, more pigs will be slaughtered, and pollution and climate change from hog waste (methane) will get worse.

    Sign our petition to President Trump and tell him to STOP this Department of Agriculture plan that will harms pigs, people, the environment, and our planet!
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