Justice for Firu

"Ptibull dragged by truck"
PLEASE  sign petition to  the Charlotte Mecklenburg district  attorney for the stiffest sentence possible  for the monster that dragged Firu the dog behind a truck. This poor baby is fighting for his life in Dr Tom Wallrich's Vets office in Valdese, NC. An arrest has been made.
Charlotte Mecklenburg District Attorney
700 E Trade St, suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28202-3016

To: Charlotte Mecklenburg Districk Attorney and judge working this case:
We are asking for the maximum penalty  for the monster, or monsters that did this to Firu the dog.
We are also asking that the it be upgraded to feloney charges. We are asking that the driver admitting he was driving drunk,  be considered with the charge of animal abuse.

Signera petitionen
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