Punish Woman for Neglecting Cats

  • av: Care2 member
  • mottagare: Chief of South Carolina Law Enforcement Division
"Former animal rescue volunteer Julianne Westberry has been charged with stealing more than $11,000 from funds designated for the care of cats in her charge. Westberry not only is accused of stealing money, but is also allegedly responsible for the deaths of more than two dozen cats.
Authorities assert that Julianne Westberry had been receiving funds to her PayPal account for a year-long period that amounted to $21,505. The money was meant to provide things like food, water, shelter, veterinarian bills, and foster care for the cats that she rescued. She spent an astounding $11,300 of that money on her personal use.
Westberry has been charged with animal cruelty after authorities rescued 69 cats from her home. An unfortunate 37 of those cats perished due to Westberry’s neglect, but the rest were taken to the county shelter. A tip led authorities to another property owned by a man who was corresponding with Westberry. Authorities found another 60 cats and removed them from the property as well. Fortunately all of these cats were healthy. Tell the Chief of Law Enforcement to prosecute this woman for her crimes so she can never hurt another feline."
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