Stop persecution against Roy Bennett!

After two years since Zimbabwe's Global Political Agreement was signed, Senator Roy Bennett is once again being targeted by Robert Mugabe and his Zanu-PF, who continue to disregard the agreements, preventing the senator from exercising his rightful role as Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Bennett has repeatedly been framed, charged and imprisoned (and  eventually acquitted from lack of evidence to the charges.)

More recently, after having to spend some time dealing with health issues, Bennett is once again under persecution by the regime, which has raided his home in Harare on three occasions over two weeks and refuses to state reasons for a potential new arrest. (

Demand Robert Mugabe and Zanu-PF to end persecution against Senator Roy Leslie Bennet!
We are a group of concerned persons from different parts of the Caribbean basin, of different backgrounds, of different professions, of different ideologies, of different creeds, of different races, ages and genders. But we have something in common at the time we sign this letter: we believe in justice and democratic freedom, and we condemn every kind of Apartheid or domination of one race over another. And we believe that all African nations, in their ethnic and racial diversity, will one day achieve the prosperity all their citizens and residents deserve. Africa is the cradle of civilisation, and is a resourceful continent of natural and spiritual wealth.

We have been following the events taking place in Zimbabwe for the last decade and, more specifically, the events that have been taking place in more recent years. A land that once stood proud for its food production, whose exports were significantly aiding in the well-being of the economy, is at risk of facing desolation and neglect due to the political and racial divisions that are marring your great country of Zimbabwe and preventing your farmers from feeding your sons and daughters, your villages and your people. Sadly, if this situation is not reverted, Zimbabwe might never again be "the Food Basket of Africa."

Through these words, we peacefully but firmly voice our heartfelt support for a man who, by all known accounts, has dedicated his life to the land  where he was born, not only as a farmer, but also as a staunch supporter of the rights of all farmers in Zimbabwe, regardless of the color of their skin, many of whom have seen their lands removed from them unjustly since 2000. Many of these lands, according to testimonies that have been made widely public around the world, now lie in quiet expectation, patiently awaiting the day when Zimbabwean farmers, black and white, will once again make them fertile for the good of the entire nation.

Roy Leslie Bennett is not a man in pursuit of personal power, greed, or glory. He has been wrongfully accused and imprisoned for alleged crimes he did not commit. His compromise, devotion and the purpose of his life lie within his land and for the good of his fellow Zimbabweans, and his time in prison has not deterred this purpose nor persuaded him, understandably, to stop caring for his nation. Most people would be discouraged in their search for collective freedom when their own freedom has been denied. Not Roy Bennett. He has proven to the world that he will not stop his quest in favour of justice and the equal opportunity to work the land for all Zimbabwean farmers. We, like so many others around the world, watched, with hope and joy, how the nation's political opposites were able to set differences aside to form a ZANU-PF / MDC-T coalition not that long ago. Today, we watch in disappointment as the Global Political Agreement of September, 2008 continues not to be honoured, and Mr. Bennett denied of his service in the ministerial position he has been appointed to.

We respectfully ask the government of Zimbabwe to grant Roy Bennett his due right to commence his service as Deputy Agriculture Minister at once. We respectfully ask the government of Zimbabwe to fully honor the Global Political Agreement. And we respectfully ask the government of Zimbabwe to put an end to all practices of Apartheid in the nation.

Thank you for your attention.
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