Stop Using Dolphins for War & Military Acts

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Russian President Vladimir Putin

Dolphins are such beautiful and graceful creatures that seem to be very friendly.  Due to their pleasant nature, they are used in various venues for entertainment purposes and military acts as well.  Such is the case in Russia where they use dolphins for naval and military tasks.  With such acts, the Russian government has concerns about perfect teeth for these precious animals.  Read

It is disturbing that Russia’s military that among its unusual recruits, they want dolphins to join their defense strategy in their naval operations.  As the above document states, they are looking for two female and three male dolphins between the ages of three and five and wants them delivered to the Crimean city of Sevastopol.  It is unclear what tasks these animals are supposed to undertake but there is a history of dolphins being used to identify submarines, mines, and suspicious underwater objects. Although dolphins have a history of such tasks in the past, including the U. S. Navy, these animals have been phased out in favor of robots.  This is not a natural role for dolphins to carry out.

My effort in this petition is to encourage the Russian Government that dolphins are not to be used for naval and military acts.  They should not be used in such unnatural, dangerous roles.  You can help me with this endeavor to protect these dolphins by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own comments and thoughts.

Russian President Vladimir Putin – I strongly urge you to stop using live dolphins as part of your war, naval and military acts.  These animals are not mean to be used in such a manner.  Please ensure that you stop the practice of using dolphins for such reasons and consider other methods like the U. S. and others who have opt for robots rather than these gorgeous, special creatures. Stop using dolphins in your military operations.

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