Help Find the Person Who Dragged Dogs Behind His Car, Killing One

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: DeKalb County District Attorney and Police Department

A terrible act of animal abuse was recently committed in DeKalb County, Georgia, and the perpetrator is still missing. A man heartlessly tied two dogs to his car and dragged them down the road, tragically killing one. Surveillance footage caught this ruthless act, but not his license plate.

Sign the petition to urge the DeKalb County District Attorney and local police to dedicate every resource to find this person and ensure he faces the full consequences of his horrifying actions!

While one dog did survive, the poor animal suffered severe injuries and is currently being treated. This cruel person left them in the parking lot, driving away without any concern for the agony he caused. It's crucial that we act quickly to prevent this from happening to any other innocent animals.

Let's show that our community does not tolerate such cruelty and that we stand for justice for all beings, human or animal.

Sign the petition to help catch this cruel individual before another innocent life is harmed!

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